Emergency Dental Procedures: When Is a Tooth Extraction Needed?

Wondering whether tooth extraction is considered an emergency dental procedure? Read on to find out when you might need an emergency tooth extraction. No one ever wants to undergo an emergency tooth extraction. Yet sometimes, it is the only way to alleviate pain and restore oral health. A dentist will usually do their best to save a tooth, but sometimes, a tooth can get too damaged that keeping it is impossible.

The need for emergency dental extractions

Tooth extraction is performed with a local anesthetic to reduce pain. After removing the tooth, the dentist will make recommendations to ensure smooth healing and recovery. The following are situations that may necessitate emergency tooth extraction:

Impacted wisdom tooth

Wisdom teeth are the last molars to arrive, typically as one reaches their late teenage years or early adulthood. Although some people get their wisdom teeth with no issue, others have no space on the jaws to accommodate them. In this case, wisdom teeth may force their way in by pushing over other teeth or getting impacted under the gums. Patients experiencing wisdom tooth pain need to contact a dentist immediately. The dentist will usually recommend removing the teeth before their growth disrupts oral health.

Fractured tooth along the gum line

The teeth withstand plenty of pressure when biting or chewing. People with misaligned bites stand the risk of cracking their lower teeth when biting. Having a root canal or large filling on a tooth or an injury can also put it at risk of fracturing. If the fracture occurs along or below the gum line, the tooth needs to be removed as soon as possible.

Severe tooth decay

Plaque and tartar deposits are the cause of tooth decay. When there is severe decay, but there is enough healthy tooth structure remaining, the tooth can still be saved. However, if the decay is so bad that the tooth cannot be restored with a filling, root canal, or crown, the only alternative is to remove the tooth.

Gum disease

Gum disease in its early stages (called gingivitis) is reversible with a professional dental cleaning and good at-home oral hygiene. However, once it progresses to its advanced stage, called periodontitis, the damage is irreversible. Periodontitis damages the gums and other supporting structures. The gums may recede severely, leaving the teeth with little or no support. Sometimes, the dentist may need to perform emergency dental extraction to stop the progression of the disease.

Teeth crowding

Overcrowding is a case where there are more teeth than the jaw can accommodate. The dentist will need to perform tooth extraction because of the oral health risks of the situation. Crowded teeth are harder to clean and are prone to decay and infection.

Know where to get emergency dental care before you need it

If you have experienced a tooth injury or have been dealing with tooth pain, you need to visit a dentist to have it checked. If a dentist cannot save your tooth, the final resort is to perform an emergency dental tooth extraction. Contact our dental office today to set up an appointment.

Request an appointment here: https://smilesonmichigan.com or call Smiles On Michigan at (312) 509-9492 for an appointment in our Chicago office.

Check out what others are saying about our dental services on Yelp: Emergency Dental in Chicago, IL.

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