Implant-Supported Dentures

Implant-Supported DenturesChicago, IL

Implant-supported dentures offer a vast improvement over traditional dentures. Where regular dentures rest on the gums and require adhesive, implant-supported dentures attach to strategically placed posts in the jawbone.

Before you opt for traditional dentures, consider implant-supported dentures. These snap-on artificial teeth fit effortlessly into any lifestyle. Get your smile and your confidence back today with implant-supported dentures.

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What are implant-supported dentures?

Implant-supported dentures are a type of overdenture that is supported by implants. These oral appliances are used when an adult does not have any teeth left in the jaw but has enough jawbone density to support implants.

This type of dentures works by snapping into place onto the implants thanks to attachments that snap onto special connectors on the implants. At least two implants are needed to successfully place an implant-supported denture.

Usually made for the lower jaw, implant-supported dentures are designed to be a more stable version of traditional dentures. Regular dentures tend to typically be less stable on the bottom jaw but implant-supported dentures can be placed on either the top or bottom jaw (or both) to give the patient a full set of new teeth.

These dentures consist of an acrylic material made to mimic the appearance of the gums, and the teeth are made of either tooth-colored acrylic or porcelain and are attached to the artificial gum base.

There are two types of implant-supported dentures: Bar-retained and ball-retained. Bar-retained dentures consist of a metal bar that is attached to the implants following the curve of the gums. The denture is supported by this bar. Ball-retained implants have a small ball at the end of each implant which corresponds to small holes in the top of the denture, and this is where it connects to the implants.

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The implantation process

At your first consultation, your cosmetic dentist will determine your eligibility for implant-supported dentures by completing a thorough exam. The dentist will examine the overall health of the gums and mouth. Next, an x-ray and other imaging will be taken of the jawbone to determine if there is sufficient bone volume for successful implant placement. An impression is taken of the mouth so that your custom dentures can be made to fit your exact specifications.

If you are a good candidate, a second appointment will be made for the placement of the implants. The dentist will surgically insert at least two titanium posts into the jawbone, usually at the front since there is more bone density there. The front of the jaw is also less nerve-dense and has a higher chance of success.

Implant-supported dentures require a period of time after placement where the bone needs to fuse with the titanium post. This is so the bone heals around the screw, making the implant a permanent part of the mouth. In this waiting period, the patient is given temporary dentures so they can continue to use their teeth. The second surgery is where the dentist exposes the tops of the implants.

From surgery to permanent denture placement, it takes about five months (if the mouth is otherwise healthy). If the patient needs bone grafts to build up bone density, it can take up to a year.

Once the metal framework is successfully placed in the jawbone and across the implants, the artificial teeth are placed across the posts coated in wax. This helps the dentist to make an imprint of the framework. If everything fits well, the dentist will slide the teeth in place for good. All bar and ball attachments are also placed. This is the temporary denture, so you will have to come back to get the permanent denture placed.

The temporary denture is used as a backup if the permanent one wears or breaks. It works like the permanent teeth but does not have a custom fit.

How to care for implant-supported dentures

To make an implant-supported denture last as long as possible and maintain good oral health, wearers should follow a daily oral hygiene and placement regimen. Implant-supported dentures should be taken out each day to clean the appliance and the oral cavity. Just like with normal dentures, you should never sleep with implant-supported dentures in. If removable dentures do not work with your lifestyle, there are permanent options to work with implants.

Remove the denture every night for cleaning. This also gives your mouth a break from the appliance, so your mouth muscles can relax and your gums can breathe. Dentures tend to attract bacterial buildup, so removing them for cleaning is an important step in denture care. Use a denture cleaning solution to brush the denture daily. While you sleep, leave the dentures in a denture solution or in water so they can remain hydrated.

Maintenance is lower with these dentures than with traditional dentures. However, the snapping mechanism is made from plastic and may need to be replaced every six to 12 months. At every six-month checkup, the dentist will test the stability of the denture.

Advantages of implant-supported dentures

Implant-supported dentures are much more stable and feel more secure in the mouth than traditional dentures, and they make it easier to smile, eat and speak. Patients find that they have much more confidence in showing their implant-supported dentures compared to patients with regular dentures.

Implant-supported dentures cover less of the palate and look more natural than regular dentures. Traditional dentures rely on the muscles in the mouth, dental adhesive and natural palate suction to stay in place, while implant-supported dentures are held in place by the implants.