Find a more comforting atmosphere at a kid friendly dentist

Kid Friendly DentistAs children grow older, they develop a key trait and slowly learn to perfect it over the years. It starts with the sigh, then a shrug of the shoulders and finally a roll of the eyes. The eye roll is a common form of communication that children use to state that they are annoyed, bothered, bored or other emotions based on the current situation. The situation in which an eye roll is most common is when the parent is in the middle of a lecture or a reminder for the child to brush his or her teeth. When it comes time to visit the dentist, the child will object and fight the necessary treatment, none the wiser to the necessity a dental visit involves.

An unnecessary stigma

Children and adults seem to have an unnecessary stigma toward dental care, believing that it is a painful experience. While some people may experience pain after visiting a dentist, the actual dental visit is usually painless. In fact, children will feel more pain from not visiting the dentist, then if they went in person.

With dentistry, prevention is the key to avoiding cavities and other dental infections. A regular dental checkup every six months will help to prevent those conditions in children. A child who lacks proper dental hygiene and care will end up needing more intensive appointments., supported by the American Dental Association, writes that “dental disease causes children to miss more than 51 million school hours each year.”

Parents can avoid many dental issues by taking their child to a dentist that is comforting, fun and effective in promoting proper dental hygiene. A kid friendly dentist will know how to help children feel comfortable during a dental checkup, while also informing them on the importance of proper dental hygiene.

Some parents may believe that bribery and fear of losing teeth are the only way to motivate a child to practice proper dental care or visit the dentist. There are better methods available for parents to use. One of the easiest is to visit a kid friendly dentist.

What a kid friendly dentist can offer

A kid friendly dentist will offer more than simply a child-orientated experience. Young patients will be able to feel more comfortable during a dental checkup in a kid friendly environment as opposed to a more adult-based one. At a kid friendly dentist, young patients may find toys, video games, kid-magazines or other items available while they wait.

The dentist will make sure to work with the child and go through methods to help ensure healthy teeth. On top of that, a kid friendly dentist will help patients understand the reason for proper dental hygiene and cleaning. The dentist can go over what will happen if a child does not take care of his or her teeth. A dentist can properly explain to children how cavities form and the damage they can cause. Cavities form from improper dental hygiene can lead to:

  • Infection
  • Pain
  • Tooth loss
  • The need for fillings, dental implants or root canals
  • Intensive dental treatment

Fortunately, cavities and other dental issues are completely preventable with proper dental hygiene. A kid friendly dentist can explain this in a positive way to help motivate the child toward a life of proper dental hygiene. In other situations, a kid friendly dentist can offer healthy sedation methods to calm a child's nerves down and help them deal with their anxiety.

If you are in need of a kid friendly dentist, call (312) 509-9492 and schedule an appointment in our Chicago dental office. We will be happy to answer any questions and address any concerns that you might have over the phone, before your appointment.

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