Visit Smiles On Michigan, a Family Dentist in Chicago to Protect Your Child from Injury

ChildVisit Smiles On Michigan today to fit your child for a mouthguard. When your child plays sports, it is easy to think of the equipment you need to get in order to protect them from danger on the playing field. You think of shoulder and knee pads, shin guards, and even jock straps, but sometimes one of the most important forms of protective gear is forgotten, the mouthguard. Many of our patients come in for a visit after their mouth has been injured from a blow to the face. We want to help you prevent this issue from happening before painful or complicated damage occurs.

Reasons Your Child Should Wear a Mouthguard

Save money now by getting the child a mouthguard before damage occurs. The cost of dental repairs and teeth implants from sports injuries is far more expensive than buying a store bought mouthguard or even a custom-created mouthguard today. Since a mouthguard consists of a rubberized or plastic material, it has more flexibility and cushion than a normal dental structure. When the child receives a blow to the face, he or she will not sustain as much of an injury if wearing a mouthguard.

The mouthguard will absorb most of the blow due to its cleverly created structure. A mouthguard can help the child avoid painful and serious jaw breaks, hard to repair tooth chips and cracks, costly tooth loss, and the need for sutures to repair an oral tissue tear. The parent will also save him or herself from being held liable if another child runs into the parent's and suffers an injury from a collision with sharp teeth.

Ways to Get a Mouthguard for Your Child

There are three main types of mouth guards available for the child. Parents can get a pre-packaged read-to-wear mouthguard for an inexpensive price. These mouth guards do provide some protection, but the levels are low in comparison with other mouth guards. Since the guard is available in generic small, medium, or large sizes, it is hard to find the right option for a child. These mouth guards can be bulky, and they tend to slide around in their mouth.

Parents can also get a mouthguard that they can boil to make the material more malleable. The parent then forms the mouthguard to the child's teeth. These mouth guards tend to fit more snuggly and provide a little more protection, but they are still slightly bulky. For the best fit and the most comprehensive protection, we encourage you to visit us, as a family dentist in Chicago, for a customized mouthguard for your child.

This option is slightly more expensive, but the fit and protection level will make it worth it. You will be pleased with the comfort level and wearability of the mouthguard we provide, and your child will be protected while he or she plays any number of sports.

Schedule an Appointment Today

Whatever forms of protection you decide are best for your child, we hope you also include a mouthguard. Sports are a great form of exercise and fun, but they can quickly lead to harmful results without the proper protective gear. Visit Smiles On Michigan, to learn more about how to have a proper mouthguard created.

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