How Invisalign Can Straighten Teeth

Invisalign Chicago, IL

If you are dealing with teeth insecurities, Invisalign® can help you with that. Invisalign is a newly developed method of orthodontic treatment. It is an aligner system that steps away from traditional dental braces that use semi-permanent metal brackets and wires. Invisalign offers a more comfortable, convenient, and effective way to straighten your teeth.

A closer look at Invisalign

Invisalign only started its development in the late 1990s. Yet, it is now one of the most popular teeth alignment treatments. It uses recent 3D printing technology to build custom trays that serve as the brace. They also use a strong and high-quality thermoplastic resin. This is strong and durable enough to handle tension and pressure.

Dental problems that Invisalign can resolve

Dentists often recommend this teeth-straightening system for older teens and adults. Younger patients still have developing teeth and gums. The clear aligners can treat mild to moderate dental issues. The dentist will recommend traditional braces for severe problems. Below are some of the common issues that Invisalign can correct:

  • Crossbite
  • Crowded teeth
  • Underbite
  • Protruding teeth
  • Overbite
  • Dental gaps
  • Crooked teeth

A patient with active cavities or gum disease will need treatment first. Having TMJ problems, dental bridges, or dental implants can lead to ill-fitting aligners. Dentists with clear aligner experience can work around these issues. Severe cases will need another form of teeth-straightening system. Invisalign can also correct mild dental problems brought about by thumb-sucking, oral diseases, genetics, and injury. Misaligned teeth can cause headaches, jaw pain, and injury.

What Invisalign cannot treat

This teeth-straightening system cannot treat severe dental problems. Severe malocclusions will need traditional braces. These braces do not come off. They are fixed with metal wires, brackets, and elastics.

The commitment

Following instructions while using this treatment is necessary. The dentist will guide the patient, especially when it comes to caring for the teeth and trays. Wearing the trays for 22 hours a day is a priority. Removing the aligners when eating, drinking staining beverages, and playing contact sports is important. This will prevent staining and losing the aligners.

Changing the aligners on time will also make the treatment efficient and effective. The dentist will tell the patient to change the trays after one to two weeks. This will depend on the patient’s dental problems. Maintaining the aligner change can even help speed up the treatment in some patients.

Teeth alignment using Invisalign

Invisalign is sought-after because of its design that features transparent resin trays that act as the aligning brace. This design makes Invisalign slimmer and less bulky compared to dental braces. The trays are worn like a mouthguard and feature knobs that link the trays using elastics. The fit of the aligners and the elastics’ tension is enough to pull the teeth into place. This type of aligner system is removable, unlike traditional dental braces.

How to get Invisalign

The process of getting Invisalign is simple compared to traditional braces. Much like any medical procedure, the first step is a consultation with the dentist. The dentist needs to check on the patient’s dental condition first. The goal is to see if they qualify for Invisalign. Patients with severe gum disease or jaw disorders do not qualify for this treatment.

After the examination, the next step is to take dental impressions and measurements. The process involves taking pictures, panoramic X-rays, and digital scans. The scans will serve as the guide for a digital model used for custom 3D printing. The resin aligners are 3D-printed based on the digital model of the patient’s dental impression. After the aligners are done, the dentist fits them to the client and adds elastics for tension.

Invisalign tray care

One difference between dental braces and Invisalign is that the latter is removable. This design allows users to remove aligners when brushing or flossing. Yet, this also comes with the responsibility of cleaning and maintaining the trays. Invisalign needs proper care and maintenance to ensure that it is hygienic to use. To do so, users should wash, scrub, soak, and dry the aligners as needed to keep bacteria and germs away. Remember not to use harsh chemicals and gently scrub the aligners to avoid discoloration, scratches, and dents.

Invisalign might be the right solution for you

Invisalign offers a different method and aesthetic than traditional dental braces. With its crystal-clear resin trays, you do not have to worry about painful metal and hard-to-get food debris. Instead, you get a removable aligner system that you can take off when needed. But, remember to wear the aligners most of the time to experience their full teeth straightening capability.

Are you considering getting Invisalign in the Chicago area? Get more information at

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