Five Treatment Facts From an Invisalign® Dentist

InvisalignThe first step toward having a straight and beautiful smile is by visiting our office to speak with an Invisalign® dentist. In fact, we encourage you to do so right away. We can help treat crooked teeth, unsightly gaps in a smile or other minor dental issues. Since the aligners are clear, the process is virtually invisible and few will ever notice that you are straightening your teeth. With Invisalign®, you will look amazing during the treatment process.

Five Treatment Facts

When you come in for an Invisalign®  consultation, we will go over everything in detail. In the meantime, here are some facts of Invisalign® treatment to help get you started.

#1 — We will plan for your entire treatment at the beginning

The most important step as an Invisalign® dentist is the one we take prior to starting your treatment. When you first come in, we will take measurements and digital images of your teeth. We will then upload the images into our software program, which allows us to map out your entire treatment plan. We can map out your teeth from where they are today, to where they will end up once they are entirely straight and in the correct position.

The planning requires precision to ensure that your teeth are always moving closer to their final destination and remain straight after the process. Once the treatment plan is complete, we will send the specifications to the lab to create your aligners.

#2 — The aligners are clear and easy to care for

Each aligner looks like a clear plastic retainer and surrounds your teeth. You need to wear the aligners for around 22 hours a day, but you can remove them when you eat and when you brush your teeth. The removability makes it easy for you to enjoy your favorite meal and take care of your oral hygiene without any inconveniences. Just remember to brush your teeth afterward and to rinse your aligners in water.

#3 — You switch out your aligners at home

Around every two weeks, you will be switching your aligners out for the next one in the series. You can notice whether or not it is time by how they feel. Once they reach a particular level of looseness, you will notice that your teeth are no longer moving, and that is when you need to switch them out.

#4 — Attachments may be required

In some cases, attachments may be necessary to help your teeth move faster or to move in general. This is a simple way to improve or speed up the results. Attachments are clear ceramic and small, but they allow for the aligners to grip certain portions of your teeth, helping them move into position faster.

#5 — You will need a retainer once done.

It is normal to wear a retainer for a period of time after you finish an orthodontic treatment. This is to ensure that your teeth do not move out of position. In time, it should no longer be necessary.

Schedule a Consultation

Find out if Invisalign®  is right for you by meeting with an Invisalign® dentist in our office. All you need to do is call and schedule a consultation.

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