What Is a Canker Sore?


Also termed aphthous ulcers, canker sores are small, painful lesions that form on the soft tissues in the mouth and gum base or throat. They are different from cold sores because they are not communicable and do not appear on the lip surfaces. They can cause pain and can make talking and drinking uncomfortable.

Usually, canker sores will heal naturally after a week or two. You may need to see a doctor or dentist if the lesions are large or fail to heal.

Symptoms of canker sores

Canker sores typically appear as a round or oval shape with a yellowish or white color and red border. They can appear anywhere in the mouth—inside your lips or cheeks, on or beneath your tongue, at the base of the gums or on the soft palate. One or two days before the sores appear, you might feel an itchy or irritating sensation.

Types of canker sores

Canker sores can occur in multiple forms: minor, major and herpetiform sores.

Minor canker sores

These are the most common type and have the following characteristics:

•    Small-sized sores

•    Disappears within a week or two, leaving no scar

•    Oval shaped with a red border

Major canker sores

These are rarer and have these characteristics:

•    Large with deep grooves

•    Round-shaped with highlighted edges that may be irregular when large

•    May last up to six weeks before healing and may leave upsetting scars

•    Painful sores that may be unbearable

Herpetiform canker sores

This type of canker sore is usually less frequent and appears more in adulthood. In contrast to cold sores, they are not caused by a herpes virus infection. They have the following characteristics:

•    Dot-sized sores

•    Appear sometimes with constellations of 10 to 100 lesions, and may combine to form a large ulcer

•    Disappear within a week or two without scarring

•    Irregular edges

Causes of canker sores

Although the definite cause of canker sores is still uncertain, experts believe the breakout could be a result of several underlying factors in the patient. Likely causes of sore breakout include:

•    Nutrient deficiency—B12, folic acid, iron or zinc

•    A mild injury to the mouth from aggressive brushing, dental work, sports injury or cheek bite

•    Toothpaste and mouthwashes with sodium lauryl sulfate

•    Allergic reaction to some bacteria

•    Emotional stress

•    Food reactions, including coffee, strawberries, nuts, eggs, spicy, chocolate or acidic foods

•    Hormonal imbalance during menstruation

•    Helicobacter pylori—the bacteria responsible for peptic ulcers

That is not all…

Intestinal and bowel-related disorders, Behcet's disease and other conditions that weaken the immune system may predispose you to canker sores.

When to see a doctor

You need to book an appointment with the doctor if you notice that canker sores are unusually large and persistent. Once the sores become recurrent and start affecting your daily routine, making it difficult to eat and talk comfortably, medical attention is necessary. In some cases, the sore may cause recurrent fevers and refuse to respond to medications.

If you have sharp tooth edges that are triggering the sores, you need to contact your dentist for a practical solution.


You can limit the recurrence of canker sores by practicing good oral hygiene habits and consuming healthy meals. Other helpful tips include reducing stress and protecting your mouth with a mouth guard.

Request an appointment here: https://smilesonmichigan.com or call Smiles On Michigan at (312) 509-9492 for an appointment in our Chicago office.

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