What Causes Dry Mouth?

TreatmentsYour throat is dry. You can barely swallow or even form words properly. This phenomenon is a common experience for many people after a long day. However, recurrent dry mouth, otherwise known as xerostomia, can be a reason to worry.

Failure to treat this condition can cause cavities, oral infections and gum disease. The main causes of dry mouth are medications and dehydration. Dry mouth may also occur in some people due to an illness or medical condition.

Causes of dry mouth


According to the National Institute of Dental and Craniofacial Research (NIDCR), xerostomia occurs as a side effect of at least 400 medications. Medications sometimes reduce the production of saliva, thus causing dry mouth.

Medications responsible for dry mouth include those prescribed for high blood pressure, cancer and depression.

You can treat this dry mouth with hydration, but it is still abnormal. If you suspect a medication might be causing your dry mouth, consult your doctor for solutions.

Medical conditions and diseases

Certain diseases can also cause dry mouth. According to Sjögren's Syndrome Foundation, xerostomia is one of the primary symptoms of Sjögren's syndrome, an autoimmune condition.

If you suffer from this condition, your immune system attacks the salivary glands and other moisture-producing structures of the body.

To know if your dry mouth is a result of Sjögren's syndrome, the doctor might check the rate of salivary production or take a small tissue sample of the salivary glands. The doctor will test for antibodies usually linked with the disorder.

This condition and treatments for Parkinson’s disease can cause dry mouth. Additionally, Parkinson’s disease patients may experience surplus saliva production and drooling, according to a 2011 study published in the Journal of Parkinson’s Disease.

Other potential medical causes of dry mouth include Alzheimer’s disease, diabetes and depression.


Dehydration is a natural cause of dry mouth, but some instances are more severe than simple thirst.

If you have a stomach bug, for instance, you might lose plenty of fluids from vomiting. It could be hard to replace the fluids because of the nausea that accompanies the situation.

A high fever may also cause dehydration, so be sure to drink fluids if possible.

Treating dry mouth

You can treat dry mouth a few different ways.

If dehydration is the cause, you can simply drink more water or fluids to keep your body hydrated.

For medication-induced dry mouth, your doctor may modify the dose of your drugs or prescribe medicine that promotes the production of saliva.

Excellent oral hygiene is essential to avert dental decay and gum disease associated with dry mouth. Clean your teeth regularly using a fluoride toothpaste. Ensure you floss daily too. If you use dental rinses, make sure it is alcohol-free.

Do you have a dry mouth?

Diagnosing the cause of your dry mouth is the first step to treating and solving the problem.

If the tips above do not help, then call our office. We can investigate possible causes and develop a treatment plan.

Request an appointment here: https://smilesonmichigan.com or call Smiles On Michigan at (312) 509-9492 for an appointment in our Chicago office.

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