Tips for Taking Proper Care of Invisalign Trays

Invisalign Chicago, IL

The proper care for Invisalign® aligners will ensure that the aligners stay invisible and free from odors. While Invisalign aligners can be taken out during eating and drinking, it is important to keep the aligners clean after this. Otherwise, your aligners may become discolored and have bacteria building up on them. The good news is that it is easy to take care of your smile.

Caring for Invisalign trays

Every time the Invisalign aligners are removed from the mouth, the patient should rinse them. This will remove the saliva and some bacteria. It is easier to remove this from the aligners now before it dries. Dried saliva can also create a friendly environment for bacteria to breed.

It can be helpful for patients to soak the aligners. Invisalign offers cleaning crystals that can be added to a glass of water with the Invisalign trays. Using these crystals as directed can help keep the aligners clear so the trays will not be noticeable.

An anti-bacterial soap can help to remove bacteria from the aligners. Using a clear, soft soap can keep the aligners fresh and clean as well. A patient can use a soft toothbrush to gently brush the aligners. A hard toothbrush or vigorous brushing can cause the aligners to become scratched. These scratches can create tiny areas for bacteria to settle in.

Oral hygiene during Invisalign treatment

It is also important for patients to maintain good oral hygiene during the treatment. Patients should brush and floss the teeth each time before replacing the aligners. Invisalign trays can easily trap bacteria and plaque against the teeth. This can increase the patient’s risk for dental issues such as cavities and gum disease.

What to avoid during Invisalign treatment

It is important for patients to avoid eating or drinking anything except for water when wearing Invisalign aligners. Beverages can cause discoloration or stains on the aligners. Eating foods with the aligners can misshape the Invisalign aligners.

It is also important to avoid using toothpaste on the aligners. Toothpaste can contain abrasive substances that can cause the aligners to dull. This is especially true of whitening toothpaste. It can also scratch the aligners and create areas for bacteria to love.

Patients should also avoid using colored soaps when cleaning the aligners. Colored soaps can cause the aligners to have different colors, which will cause them not to be invisible anymore. Finally, patients should not leave the Invisalign aligners out when eating. This increases the risk of losing the aligners. It will also expose these aligners to the harmful bacteria that are in the air.

Visit a dentist today

If you do not have straight teeth, then Invisalign can offer a discreet solution for you. Taking care of your aligners will help them last during your treatment. It will also ensure that you will have a beautiful and healthy smile after your treatment is done. Your dentist can answer any other questions about caring for your aligners.

Request an appointment here: or call Smiles On Michigan at (312) 509-9492 for an appointment in our Chicago office.

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