Full Mouth Rehabilitation Options

full mouth rehabilitation

If your dentist floats the idea of a full mouth rehabilitation, do not panic. Though it may sound like a massive series of invasive procedures on the surface, this approach to improving dental health is nothing to fear. Below, we explain the benefits of a full mouth rehabilitation and the many options available to improve oral health and functionality.

A quick explanation of a full mouth rehabilitation

Full mouth rehabilitation is a term that dentists use for dental procedures that assist in the restoration or rebuilding of teeth in the lower and upper jaws. A full mouth rehabilitation requires multiple stages. In some instances, more than one dental specialist is necessary to complete the entire rehabilitation. Those who have issues with all or some of their teeth are candidates for this process. This approach to improving dental care has the potential to be a lengthy process, so patients should be aware it might take a couple months or possibly even a year or longer to complete the full rehabilitation. From missing teeth to TMJ, damage from a traumatic injury and tooth enamel erosion, the rehabilitation can correct the vast majority of dental problems.

Full mouth rehabilitation options

Full mouth rehabilitation is an overarching term that refers to a number of different restorative, cosmetic and general dentistry procedures. Dental implants have emerged as a particularly popular treatment option for rehabilitation. These implants are connected directly to the jaw bone to replace damaged or lost teeth. Invisalign orthodontics are another popular option, Invisalign corrects misalignments and gaps in the mouth. Crowns and porcelain veneers are also used to hide flaws and bolster tooth strength. Treatment for TMJ to minimize pain and halt tooth damage resulting from grinding and clenching also qualifies as another option. Even periodontal treatment and teeth cleaning are considered components of rehabilitation.

Full dentures

If all of your teeth must be extracted or if you are missing all of your teeth, your dentist might suggest full dentures. Full upper and lower dentures can be fitted with the help of gum support as opposed to dental implants. However, patients who are not concerned about cost and willing to wait six months for dental implants' titanium rods to fuse to the jaw bone should carefully weigh the merits of both options.

Reconstruction with dental implants

As noted above, dental implants can be added to the mouth to replace missing teeth or teeth extracted due to extensive damage. It is also possible to use dental implants to support removable dentures; this process adds 4 implants to the jaw to support the dentures. These dentures can be removed as necessary for a thorough cleaning and subsequently placed right back in the mouth. An alternative option is to use upwards of half a dozen implants per jaw in combination with a fixed acrylic denture connected to the implants. Denture maintenance will be quite easy if you take this route.

What’s the bottom line?

Our dental team will analyze your oral health, provide a comprehensive cleaning and restore damaged teeth. Call (312) 509-9492 today to reach Smiles On Michigan.

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